Khaleda Zia (BNP Chairperson)

 Khaleda Zia is a Bangladeshi politician and former Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She was born on August 15, 1945, in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. She is the widow of former Bangladeshi President, Ziaur Rahman, who was assassinated in 1981.

Khaleda Zia became involved in politics in the 1980s and founded the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in 1978, which became one of the major political parties in Bangladesh. She served as Prime Minister of Bangladesh for three terms, from 1991 to 1996, 2001 to 2006, and 2006 to 2009.

During her time in office, Khaleda Zia implemented a number of policies aimed at boosting the country's economy, improving infrastructure, and expanding social services. She is also known for her strong stance on national security and for her efforts to maintain good relations with other countries.

However, Khaleda Zia's political career has not been without controversy. She has faced a number of corruption charges over the years, which have led to her being imprisoned on multiple occasions. In February 2018, she was sentenced to five years in prison for corruption charges, and in October 2018, her sentence was increased to 10 years.

Khaleda Zia remains a prominent figure in Bangladeshi politics, and her legacy continues to influence the political landscape of the country. Despite her imprisonment, her party, the BNP, remains one of the major political parties in Bangladesh and continues to play an important role in the country's political process


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