Top 5 countries with the fastest internet speeds

 It is difficult to provide an accurate ranking of the fastest internet by country as internet speeds can vary greatly within each country and can change rapidly as technology improves. However, based on data from the Speedtest Global Index by Ookla, as of September 2021, the top 5 countries with the fastest fixed broadband internet speeds are:

  1. Singapore - 245.50 Mbps
  2. Hong Kong - 229.73 Mbps
  3. Monaco - 215.70 Mbps
  4. Romania - 214.20 Mbps
  5. South Korea - 212.05 Mbps

As for the fastest mobile internet speeds, the top 5 countries as of September 2021, according to the same source, are:

  1. United Arab Emirates - 190.03 Mbps
  2. South Korea - 180.55 Mbps
  3. Qatar - 174.41 Mbps
  4. China - 163.08 Mbps
  5. Saudi Arabia - 157.12 Mbps

Please note that these rankings are subject to change over time and may not reflect the current state of internet speeds in each country


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